Last Day of 2012!

Yes, it’s finally here!  December 31, 2012!  I can’t believe how fast time flies!  This coming year is going to be great!  I’m speaking positivity into my life and all of yours!  Let’s make this year as memorable as possible!  Do things you’ve never done before, love more, laugh more, live more, dance more, sing more, do everything like it’s your last day on earth, every day!  The more you get out of your life, the more you will show others it can be done too! We may have heartaches, sadness, pain, but if we remember how we were able to get through this year, we know we can get through the next!  I’ve experienced my share of laughter, joy, life, death, sadness, pain, and tears, but let’s get through this year together!  Goodbye 2012, hello and Happy New Year 2013! 

New Year’s Resolutions or New Year’s Broken Promises?

We all think hard about our New Year’s Resolutions, make some new ones, retry some old ones, and mix some of the old with the new. I, for one, am very good at NOT keeping my New Year’s Resolutions. Why is that though? It’s like we promise to do things in our lives to better ourselves, but we often neglect ourselves for others. While there is nothing wrong with doing for others, which is something I encourage, we cannot forget to keep ourselves as an important part of our lives too. Sometimes we don’t have anyone who will put us before themselves and so we have to do it.

As I write this blog, I would like to share some of my New Year’s Resolutions and steer clear of broken promises. We don’t want to let ourselves down any more than the world already does at times. Having four kids, I would like to take even more time out of my day to spend with each of my children one on one. Being a mother is hard and sometimes children feel neglected when there are more than one, so I would like to spread my “motherly love” evenly (if that’s possible, I will try my best). Another resolution, to make sure my husband takes advantage of nights out of things my husband likes to do, whether it’s with me or out with his friends, brother, etc. He likes to hang out, but he always says he wants to chill at home with me and the kids and watch movies or go eat! I have an amazing husband (as you will read in my upcoming interview/post of him), who is also a great father, and an amazing friend and teammate! But Lord knows he needs to have his time too and I don’t want him to feel obligated to stay home or feel guilty if he goes out. My third resolution is to eat healthier and exercise regularly. Me and my husband share this resolution because we want to teach our children how to eat, cook and be healthier also. My fourth resolution is to be a better person. Not just being nice, but trying my best to look at each situation I’m presented with and act reasonably (not that I don’t now, but I can reflect on some situations where I wasn’t “reasonable” at all). My fifth resolution is to SING, SING, SING! I know I have said it multiple times and did not do it. Not every time it was in my hands because I was sick some of the time, but NO MORE EXCUSES! It’s coming, just watch and see! My sixth and final resolution (this could change, I could add a few) is to be a better Christian. I know, “blah blah blah” is what some of you are saying right now, lol, but I really mean this. I want to be a better Christian which means not JUDGING others for their actions/beliefs, etc. I will read the Bible more, pray more for friends, family, and others, and have a closer relationship with God, by following his commands and loving others.

I would also like to know, what are some of your New Year’s Resolutions?? Are they to eliminate bad habits, stop holding a grudge, exercising, following your passion, finding a new job, stepping out of your comfort zone to do something spectacular, etc? I want to hear about them! It’s exciting that we have a new day to start fresh everytime we wake up, but it’s even more exciting when we get to start a new year, set goals, and see those things actually come out successfully. Share them with me and let’s make New Year’s Resolutions, not New Year’s Broken Promises!